Essex Lists Apartments in Dorchester Arts District

Essex Realty Group’s Brian Mond and Associate Ben Bakula have listed 6800 S. Dorchester Ave. for $5,300,000. The 62-unit multifamily property is located in the South Side’s Grand Crossing neighborhood, and has undergone more than $750,000 in capital improvements.
“The property located at 6800 S. Dorchester has undergone numerous renovations and still has a value-add component that makes it very intriguing,” said Mond. “The building is located in an area that now calls itself the Dorchester Arts District because of its dedication to the arts and culture.”
He added, “This area has some very cool public-private partnership developments such as The Kenwood Garden Park, which will be opening directly next door to 6800 S. Dorchester, and the Dorchester Art & Housing Collaborativem a partnership with Brinshore Development, the Rebuild Foundation founded by Theaster Gates, and the Chicago Housing Authority.”
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